I have been using MAIAN PAL for a good few months now and I never regretted downloading it. It is a doddle to install, extremely lightweight so it hardly eats up any of your resources and using it is a real joy. MAIAN PAL is extremely user-friendly and intuitive for the user and admin alike, hardly any problem finding your way around in the program, while adding, removing or editing anything in your shop couldn't be simpler. MAIAN PAL could easily compete with the much bigger, much more bloated and much more expensive (you can get MAIAN PAL for free) shopping scripts out there, the scripts that are full of bells and whistles many of us will most likely never even use. If you are looking for a quickly installed, easy to use and easy to maintain script, then MAIAN PAL is definitely for you.

Frankie / Webmaster / https://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk